Speaking on behalf of Children and Youth with special health care needs

Making Colorado a better place for children and youth with special health care needs.

Family Voices Colorado
Family Voices is the Family-to-Family Health Information Center for Colorado.
Family Voices Colorado is a grassroots organization run by parents of children with special healthcare needs. Every day we give parents the information and knowledge they need to navigate complex health care systems in order to get things like wheelchairs, oxygen, or a surgery for their children. With our help, parents are able to be the heroes their children are counting on! Want to learn more about how Family Voices Colorado can help you and your family?
Family Voices Colorado understands both the private and public the health care and disability systems. And we recognize their complexity. We help families navigate public or private health insurance, primary care or medical specialists, HCBS (Home and Community Based Service) Waivers, early intervention, school-based services, Community Centered Boards, guardianship issues, transition from pediatric to adult health care services, or other related systems.
Education & Training
We offer training for families, professionals and others on a range of topics, including:
Medicaid 101
(HCBS) Home and Community Based Service Waivers -Children & Adults
Private & Public Insurance Appeals
Medical Home Model of Care
Family Engagement
Navigating Systems of Care
And much more...
Family Voices CO listens to families and understands the challenges they experience. We gather family stories to share with state legislators and other decision-makers about how proposed laws or regulations are likely to affect the young people and families we serve, and we collaborate with other advocacy organizations to inform and mobilize the public.
We regularly partner with the ARCs, Colorado Center on Law and Policy, Colorado Consumer Health Initiative, Colorado Coalition for the Medically Underserved, Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition, Community Centered Boards, Covering Kids & Families, and liaisons at the Departments of Health Care Policy and Financing and Public Health and Colorado Department of health and Environment, to work for policy changes that to improve systems and services for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs.
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