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Acronyms & Common Terms

300%ers–Persons whose income is up to three times the SSI payment limit. This optional eligibility category is eligible for Medicaid by virtue of need for long term care services.

A & A –Aid and Attendance (VA Benefit)

A/CSA–Alcohol/Controlled Substance Abuse

AAA–Area Agency on Aging
AABD–Aid to the Aged, Blind, and Disabled (Federal Term)
AAMR— American Association on Mental Retardation
AARP–American Association of Retired Persons
AAS–Aging and Adult Services
AASD–Aging and Adult Services Division
AB–Aid to the Blind
AB-T–Aid to the Blind- Treatment
ACF–Alternative Care Facility
ACSES–Automated Child Support Enforcement System
Acute Care & EQRO–Adult Care & External Quality Review Organization
ADA–Americans with Disabilities Act
ADAD–Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division
ADC–Adult Day Care
ADL–Activities of Daily Living
ADP–Automated Data Processing
ADS–Adult Day Services
AFC–Adult Foster Care. This is not a Medicaid program or service; however, many AFC eligible are also Medicaid eligible. This provides residential care with supervision for client medications, etc. While these services are not as extensive as those rendered in a nursing home, they do represent an important component of a “continuum” of long term care. It is funded through a 95% General Fund and a 5% local match.
AFDC-A–Aid to Families with Dependent Children- Adults
AFDC-C–Aid to Families with Dependent Children- Children
AFDC-FC–Aid to Families with Dependent Children- Foster Care
AFDC-I–Aid to Families with Dependent Children- Incapacitated Parent
AFDC-U–Aid to Families with Dependent Children- Unemployed Father
AG–Attorney General
AIDS–Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
ALJ–Administrative Law Judge
Allowed Charge–The Amount Medicare Will Consider for Payment for a Given Service or Supply
AMPS –Automated Medicaid Payment System- Electronic Claims System
Ancillary Services–Those Service and Supplies Provided to Patients on an As-Needed Basis
AND-SSI–Aid to the Needy Disabled- SSI
ANSI–American National Standards Institute
AOA–Administration on Aging
AP–Assistance Payments
AP-700–Financial and Medical Eligibility Reporting Form
APD–Advance Planning Document
APPLS–Automated Personnel Payroll Ledger
APS–Adult Protective Services
ASA–American Society of Aging
ASC–Ambulatory Surgical Centers

AT–Assistive technology
Arc of Colorado—State organization that serves an advocacy group for persons with developmental disabilities for all ages
AU–Administrative Unit
Authorized Representative—  An individual designated by the person receiving services
Autism—A complex neurological disorder that appears disorders that appears during the first three years of life.
BBA–Balanced Budget Amendment
BC/BS–Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Colorado, Medicaid’s former Fiscal Agent
BCA–Baby Care Adults
BCC–Baby Care Children
BC-KC–Baby Care – Kids Care Program
BCR–Birthing Cost Recovery
BENDEX–Beneficiary Data Exchange
Beneficiary–One Who is Entitled to Receive Benefits
Benefits–The Scope of Services Available to Beneficiaries
BI–Brain Injury
BIA–Bureau of Indian Affairs
BIDS System–Colorado procurement information system
BL–Black Lung
BMS–Bureau of Medical Services (Obsolete- Now MS)
BPR–Business Process Reengineering

BUS–Benefits Utilization System 
CACTIS–Colorado Automated Client Tracking Information System
CACCB—Colorado Association of Community Centered Boards
CAFSS–Colorado Automated Food Stamp System
CAHHA–Colorado Association of Home Health Agencies
CAHPS–Consumer Assessment of Health Care Study
CAHSA–Colorado Association of Homes and Services for the Aging
CAP–Colorado Admissions Program
CAPD–Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis
CAPRA—Colorado Association of Private Resource Angencies
CAPS–County Automated Payment System
CARC–Colorado Association for Retarded Children
Carve-Out–A Benefit or Service that is not Included Under an Otherwise Global Services Agreement, Such As a Medicaid HMO Contract
Case Mix Demo–Pilot Effort Directed by HCFA to Test & Prove CM Using the MDS & RUG 3 as the Case Mix Reimbursement System for Medicare SNF Patients. KS, MS, ME, TX, NY, SD are the Participating States
Case Management—Services provided by CCBs to assist in eligibility determination, IP development and the coordination of services.
CAT Scans–Computerized Axial Tomography
CBHP–Children’s Basic Health Plan
CBLTC–Community Based Long Term Care
CBMS–Colorado Benefits Management System
CBP–Common Business Proces
CBT–Computer-Based Training
CCB–Community Centered Board (for DD) or Change Control Board
CCHN–Colorado Community Health Network (Assoc. of FQHCs)
CCI–Colorado Counties, Inc.
CCOA–Colorado Commission on Aging
CCPD–Continuous Cycling Peritoneal Dialysis
CCR–Code of Colorado Regulations
CCSO–Colorado Congress of Senior Organization
CDAS–Consumer Direct Attendant Support
CDBG–Community Development of Social Services
CDE—Colorado Department of Education
CDF–Colorado Drug Formulary
CDHCPF–Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing
CDHS–Colorado Department of Human Services
CDOLE–Colorado Department of Labor and Employment
CDOR–Colorado Department of Revenue
CDPHE–Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
CDSS–Colorado Department of Social Services or County Department of Social Services or County Department of Human Services
CEDARS–Colorado Eligibility Disbursement and Reporting System
CES—Children’s Extensive Support (Medicaid Waiver)
CFMC–Colorado Foundation for Medical Care- HCPF ‘s PRO Contractor
CFR–Code of Federal Regulations
CGS –Colorado Gerontological Society
CHAMPUS–Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services
CHATS–Child Care Automated Tracking System
CHFA–Colorado Housing Finance Authority
Children’s HCBS–HCBS for children with physical disabilities
CHINS–Children in Need of Supervision
CHP+–Children’s Health Plan Plus
CHRS—Children’s Health and Rehabilitation Services
CICP–Colorado Indigent Care Program
CIDS 2000–Client Information Data Subsystem for the 21st Century
CIN–Colorado Information Network
CLASS I –Refers to general nursing facilities
CLASS II/IV–Refers to nursing facilities for physically and developmentally disabled individuals
CLASS IV Nursing Homes–Regional Centers for persons with developmental disabilities (operated by CDHS)
CLEAR–Colorado List of Emergency Assistance Recipients
CM–Case Manager
CMA –Case Management Agency
CMER–Colorado Medicaid Eligibility Response
CMI–Comparative Measure Index
CMS— Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services
CNS–County Nursing Service
CO/EBTS–Colorado Electronics Benefits Transfer Service
COBRA–Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985
COFRS–Colorado Financial Reporting System
COIN–Client Oriented Information System (CDHS-HCPF eligibility database)
Co-Insurance–The amount of the allowed charge the beneficiary is responsible for paying on assigned Medicare beneficiaries
COLA–Cost of Living Adjustment
COLO R/X–Colorado Drug Formulary
Colorado Works–Colorado’s Welfare Reform Program (see: TANF)
Comprehensive Services– a program that provides 24-hour supervision and other supports, training and habilitation based on an Individual Plan
Consultec–Medicaid, CBHP, CICP, etc., fiscal agent beginning December 1st, 1998
CP—Cerebral Palsy
CPAS–Claims Processing Assessment System
CPT-6–Current Procedural Terminology (Physician Reimbursement Guide)
CQC–County Quality Control
CRCP–Central Registry for Child Protection
CRD–Chronic Renal Disease
CRLS–Colorado Rural Legal Services
CRS— Colorado Revised Statute regarding care and treatment of persons with developmental disabilities.
CRSP–Colorado Refugee Service Programs
CS–Federal SSI-Colorado Supplement
CSBG–Community Services Block Grant
CSE–Child Support Enforcement
CSL–Colorado Senior Lobby
CSPR–Control System for Proposed Rules (State Regulations)
CSR--Continued Stay Review
CSU–Child Support Unit
CTRANS–County Transportation Refers to Non-Emergency or Non-Wheel Chair Transportation Services
Customary Charge –The most common charge by a provider for a particular service to the majority of patients
CW–Child Welfare
CWEST–Child Welfare Eligibility and Services Tracking System
CW-FC–Child Welfare – Foster Care
CWS–Division of Child Welfare Services
CY–Calendar Year
CYF–Children, Youth, and Families
Day Program–Part of the home and community based services for persons with developmental disabilities. This is the day program part of the waiver.
DC–Day Care
DD–Developmentally Disabled
DDDS— Division of Developmental Disabilities Services
DEFRA–Deficit Reduction Act
DHMC–Denver Health Medical Center
DHS–Colorado Department of Human Services

DIDD–Division for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
DIH–Department of Indian Health
DLE–Colorado Department of Labor & Employment
DMA–Division of Medical Assistance (obsolete now AAS)
DME/MED EQUIP.–Durable Medical Equipment and Supplies

DOH–Division of Housing  
DORA–Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies
DPHE–Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
DRG–Diagnosis Related Group
DSH–Disproportionate Share Hospital
DSS–Decision Support System

DVR–Division of Vocations Rehabilitation  
DYC–Division of Youth Corrections
EA–Emergency Assistance
EBD–Elderly, Blind, and Disabled
EBT/EFT–Electronic Benefit Funds Transfer
EGHP–Employer Group Health Plan

EI–Early Intervention
EID–Employment Information Data
EIS/DSS–Executive Information System/Decision Support System
EJB–Enterprise Java Beans
Eligible –This refers to one full time equivalent client for a defined period of time. Every person who is issued a MAC Is called an “eligible.” It does not refer to the number of clients who actually use a medical service. When a MAC is issued, the computer system assigns a prescribed span of time for which the person is eligible. If eligibility is not renewed at the end of the span, eligibility lapses.
EMC–Electronic Media Claim
EMS–Eligibility Management Systems
EOMB–Explanation of Medicare Benefits
EPM–Enterprise Project Manager
EPSDT –Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (Preventive Health Care Program for Medicaid Clients Up to age 21)
EQRO–External Quality Review Organization
ERS–OYS Education Records System
ESC–Employment Status Code

EVV–Electronic Verification System
F PLAN–Family Planning refers to services which are paid through the family planning clinics for which an annual capitation is paid for all family planning services eligible for one year
FA–Fiscal Agent (Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Colorado)- Medicaid’s Fiscal Intermediary; operates the provider claim system and MMIS database
FAMIS–Family Assistance Management Information Systems
FC–Foster Care Children
FCS-100–Foster Care and Subsidized Adoption and Medicaid Eligibility Tracking
FDA–Food and Drug Administration
FDDI–Fiber Distributed Data Interface
FFP–Federal Financial Participation
FFS–Fee for Service (non-capitated health care payment system)
FFY–Federal Fiscal Year
FGP–Foster Grandparent Program
FI–Fiscal Intermediary (Medicare)
FIPS PUB–Federal Information Processing Standard Publication
Fiscal Intermediary –An insurance company which manages medicare claims and provides audit-reimbursement services for HCFA to assure providers utilize program benefits appropriately
FLOOR–Medicare statute for the minimum amount of time a claim must be held before payment/also minimum payment, etc.
FNS–Food and Nutrition Services
FPL–Federal Poverty Limit
FQHC/Rural Clinic–Federally Qualified Health Clinic (or center )- health service facility for low income persons in a medically under served area
FR–Federal Register (Publication of Federal Regulations)
FRV–Fair Rental Value
FS–Food Stamps

FSP–Family Service Plan

FSSP–Family Support Services Program
FSJS–Food Stamp Job Search System
FSR–Feasibility Study Report
FTE–Full Time Equivalent
FY–Fiscal Year (state)
GA–General Assistance
GB–Giga Bytes
GGCC–General Government Computer Center
GJTO–Governor’s Job Training Office
GSS–(Colorado Department of) General Support Services
GUI–Graphic User Interface
HB–House Bill (introduced to the Colorado House in the General Assembly/Legislature)
HB 97-1304, HB 97-1325– Authorizing legislation for the Children’s Basic Health Plan (CBHP)
HCA–Home Care Allowance
HCBS–Home and Community Based Services
HCBS-BI–HCBS (persons with brain injury)
HCBS-CES–HCBS (Children’s Extensive Support)
HCBS-CM–Home and Community Based Services for the Elderly, Blind, and Disabled Case Management
HCBS-CMW–HCBS (Children’s Medical Waiver)
HCBS-CS–Home and Community Based Services for the Elderly, Blind, and Disabled Client Services
HCBS-DD–HCBS (Persons with Developmental Disabilities)
HCBS-EBD–HCBS (Elderly, Blind, and Disabled)
HCBS-MI–HCBS (Mentally Ill)
HCBS-PLWA–HCBS (People Living with AIDS)
HCBS-SLS–HCBS (Supported Living for persons with developmental disabilities)
HCFA–Federal Health Care Financing Administration
HCPCS–HCFA Common Procedure Coding System (Outpatient)
HCPF (Medicaid)–Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing
Health Insurance Buy-In–Premium and coinsurance/deductible payments for private health insurance policies for medicaid clients when it can be shown to be cost effective
HEDIS–Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set
HEWI–Health, Environment, Welfare & Institutions
HH–Home Health Care
HH#–County Household #
HHA–Home Health Aide or Home Health Agency
HHS–Health and Human Services Federal agency
HIBI–Health Insurance Buy-In Program
HIM–Health Insurance Manual
HIMS–Health Information Management System
HIS–Indian Health Services
HM–Home Maker
HMO–Health Maintenance Organization
Home Care Allowance –This is not a Medicaid program or service; however, most Home Care Allowance eligible are also Medicaid eligible. Services are for persons residing in their own homes and include personal care and supportive services. While these services are not medical in nature, they do represent an important component of a “continuum” of long term care. It is funded through 95% General Fund and 5% Local Match
Home Mod--Home Modification
HRC–Human Resources Committee
HSP–Hospital Specific Portion
HTML–Hyper Text Markup Language
HTTP–Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
HUD–Housing and Urban Development
IADL–Independent Activity of Daily Living
IAPD–Implementation Advance Planning Document
ICD-9-CM–International Classification of Diseases, version 9, Clinical Modification
ICF–Intermediate Care Facility
ICF-IDD–Intermediate Care Facility for the Intellectually and Developmentally Disabled
ICN–Internal Control Number
IEVS–Income Eligibility Verification System
IFF–Intrastate Funding (Allocation) Formula for QAA Funds

IFSP(0-3)–Individualized Family Service Plan
IM–Income Maintenance
IMAP–Information Management Annual Plan
IMC–Information Management Commission
Inpatient–Inpatient Hospital Care
Intermediary (F.I.)–An independent insurance company contracted by HCFA to administer payments for Medicare

IP–Individualized Plan
IPV–Intentional Program Violation
IRFP–Implementation Request for Proposal
ISP–Internet Service Provider
IT–Information Technology
ITS–Information Technology Services
IV-A–Title IV-A, Social Security Act Federal AFDC regulations
IV-D–Title IV-D, Social Security Act Federal Child Support Enforcement Program regulations
IV-E–Title IV-E, Social Security Act, Generally refers to children eligible for TANF payments but the child is in foster care
IVES–Income Eligibility Verification System
JAD–Joint Application Development
JAVA–A programming language
JBC--Joint Budget Committee
JDBC–Java Database Connectivity
JHAC–Joint Commission of the Accreditation of Hospitals
JOBS–Job Opportunity Basic Skills (Federal employment program)
JTPA–Jobs Training Partnership Act
Lab/X-ray–Laboratory and Radiology Services
LAC–Lifetime Authorization Cards
LAN–Local Area Network
LEAP–Low-income Energy Assistance Program
LGHP–Large Group Health Plan
LOC–Level of Care or Line of Code
LOP–Local Operational Plan
LOS–Length of Stay
LPN–Licensed Practical Nurse
LSC–Legal Services Corporation
LSD–Legal Services Developer
LTC–Long Term Care

LTHH–Long Term Home Health
LTC-101–Long Term Care Assessment Form
LTC-102–Monthly HCBS Non-Diversion/Termination Report Form
LTC-103–HCBS Case Plan Form
LTC-104–HCBS Case Plan Revision Form
LTC-105–HCBS Prior Approval and Cost Containment Form
LTC-106A–Client Payment Form for HCBS- 300% Non ACF Clients
LTC-106B–Client Payment Form for HCBS- All ACF Clients
LTC-107–HCBS Notice of Service Status/Eligibility Form
LTC-108–HCBS Statement of Services (Claim Form)
LTC-109–HCBS Form for Application of Individual Providers
LTC-110 –HCBS Form for Monthly Listing of New Individual Providers, Re-certifications, De-certification
LTC-111–HCBS Complaint Information Form
LTCO–Long Term Care Ombudsman
LVN–Licensed Vocational Nurse
MA–Medical Assistance
MAC–(Mutually exclusive meanings depending upon context):
·    Medical Authorization Card (Client’s Medicaid Card)
·    Medical Assistance Advisory Council
·    Maximum Allowable Cost
MANE—Mistreatment, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation

MAPI–Messaging Application Program Interface
MB–Mega Bytes – a measure of computer memory or file size
MBE/WBE–Minority-owned Business Enterprise/Woman-owned Business Enterprise
MCO–Managed Care Organization
MCPI–Medical Consumer Price Index
MCR or M18–Medicare
MDS 2.0–Minimum Data Set for resident assessment
MDS Automation Demonstration–Pilot effort directed by HCFA to test & prove automated MDS submission by nursing facilities
MDS+–The NF Demonstration version of the MDS, Main, Mississippi & South Dakota us 12/1/90 b version. It meets the federally mandated requirements for primary resident care screening & assessment.
Medicare–That portion of the Social Security Act which provides health care benefits to citizens over age 65 or under age 65 who are permanently disabled or suffering from chronic renal failure
Medicare Part A–That part of medicare law providing for in-patient hospitalization, SNF care, NH benefits, & home health services to senior citizens
Medicare Part B–A supplementary program to Part A providing for physicians’ services, outpatient hospital services, & other supplies. Waivers were granted in 1996 to enable use of RUGs 3 for routine costs.
Medicare/TPL–Medicare/Third Party Liability
Mental Health –This refers to the mental health care provided through the community
MHASA–Mental Health Assessment & Services Agency
MI–Medically Indigent
MK or M19–Medicaid
MMIS–Medicaid Management Information System
MMQ–A Case Mix RAI developed by Hill haven & used by MA
MOE–Maintenance of Effort – This is a federal mandate requiring states (and, where applicable counties) to spend at least 80% of the funding amounts expended in base year 1993. If the state pays 80% of the base year expenditures, then even if welfare rolls escalate in future years, the federal government will continue to supply its share of funds for the higher costs. This is intended to assure that states expend a proper amount of state funds relative to federal funds.
MOU–Memorandum of Understanding
MOW–Meals on Wheels
MR–Mentally Retarded
MRI–Magnetic Resonance Imaging
MS–Medical Services
MSA--Metro Statistical Area
MSP–Medicare Secondary Payer
MSR–Monthly Status Report
MSW–Master’s of Social Work or Medical Social Work
MTBD–Mean Time Between Defects
MTBF–Mean Time Between Failures
MTS–Medicare Transaction System
MTTR–Mean Time To Restore
MVS–IBM Mainframe Operating System
MVS–Multiple Virtual Storage
NAAAA–National Association of Area Agencies on Aging
NASUA–National Association of State Units on Aging
NASW–National Association of Social Workers
NCANDS–National Child Abuse and Neglect Data Systems
NCOA–National Council on Aging
NCQA–National Commission on Quality Assurance
NCSC–National Council of Senior Citizens
NDS–Net ware Directory Services
NF–Nursing Facility
NFT--Nursing Home Transition Program
NH–Nursing Home

NOA–Notice Of Action
NON-PPS–Non-Prospective Payment System
NPE–Nutrition Program for the Elderly
NRST–Non-Resident Specific (Nursing or Therapy Staff Times)
NRTA–National Retired Teachers Association
NT Windows–Windows New Technology Operating System
NTS–Nonresident Tracking System
OAA–Older Americans Act
OAP/A–Old Age Pension/65 years or older
OAP/B–Old Age Pension/60 to 64 years
OAP/SO–Old Age Pension- State Only health and medical benefits
OASDI–Old Age Survivors Disability Insurance
OAVP–Older American Volunteer Programs
OBRA–Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
OCA–Older Coloradans Act
OCYF–Office of Children, Youth, and Families
ODBC–Open Database Connectivity
OIB–Older Individuals who are Blind Program
OIG–Office of Inspector General
OIT–Office of Information Technology
OLTC–Options for Long Term Care
OLTP–Online Transaction Processing
OMB–Office of Management and Budget
Option/Mandate–Certain Medicaid services are mandated by federal law as a cost of participating in the federal Medicaid program and certain others are optional for the states.
Option/Mandate–Certain Medicaid services are mandated by federal law as a cost of participating in the federal Medicaid program and certain others are optional for the state
ORB–Object Request Broker
ORD–Office of Research and Demonstrations
OSPB–Office of State Planning and Budget (Governor’s Office)
OT/PT/ST–Occupational Therapy/Physical Therapy/ Speech Therapy
OTC –Over the Counter Drugs
OUT–Outcome Tracking Unit
Outpatient–Outpatient Hospital Services includes all hospital-based outpatient care ranging from emergency room to hospital based care
Over 65–Inpatient Psychiatric Hospital Care for Persons over age 65. State owned and operated hospital care.
OYS–Office of Youth Services
PA–Public Assistance
PA-1--Program Area One- Adult Self Sufficiency, Social Services Block Grant, Social Security Act
PA-2--Program Area 2- Adult Protective Services, Social Services Block Grant, Social Security Act
PAC–Political Action Committee, also Policy Advisory Committee to CDSS
PACE–Programs of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly
PAPD–Planning Advance Planning Document
PAR–Prior Authorization Review

PASA–Program Approved Service Agency
PASARR–Pre Admission Screening and Annual Resident Reviews
PC–Personal Care

PCA–Personal Care Alternative
PCBH–Personal Care Boarding Home
PCD–Project Control Document
PCP/PCPP–Primary Care Physician/Primary Care Physician Program
PDCS–Prescription Drug Card System
PDN–Private Duty Nursing
PE–Presumptive Eligibility
PERA–Public Employees’ Retirement Association
PETI–Post Eligibility Treatment of Income
PHN–Public Health Nurse
PHP–Prepaid Health Plan
Physician–Physician’s services are those ranging from family practice to specialty care.
PI–Program Integrity
PIN–Personal Identification Number
PLWA–People Living With AIDS

PMIP–Professional Medical Information Page
PMR–Planning and Management Region

PM–Program Manager
PN–Personal Needs
POC–Plan of Care
POPs–Points of Presence
POS–Point of Service- child based HMO or Point of Sale
PPD–Per Patient Day
PPHP–Pre Paid Health Plan
PPO–Preferred Provider Organization
PPS–Prospective Payment System
PPV–Pneumococcal Pneumonia Vaccine
Prescription Drug–Includes payment for all drugs provided through Medicaid including those dispensed in nursing home, but excluding those which are dispensed in the inpatient hospital setting
PRO–Peer Review Organization
PRO-DUR–Prospective Drug Utilization Review
PSA–Planning and Service Area
PSRO–Professional Standards Review Organization
QA–Quality Assurance
QC/QA/ME–Quality Control/Quality Assurance/Management Evaluation
QDWI–Qualified Disabled & Working Individuals
QMB–Qualified Medicare Beneficiary
RA–Remittance Advice
RAD–Rapid Application Development
RAE–Regional Accountable Entity

RAI–Resident Assessment Instrument
RAPs–Resident Assessment Protocols
RAS–Remote Access Services

RC–Regional Center

RCCO–Regional Care Collaborative Organization
RDBMS–Relational Database Management System
Rebate- Prescription Drugs –Medicaid prescription drug optional benefit. In an effort to offset the additional costs related to the items above, manufacturers rebate Medicaid drug expenses for certain items. The rebates are not accounted for in MMIS data and are handled manually through accounting transactions.
Residential Program–Part of the Home and Community Based Services for the Developmentally Disabled, is the residential care provided for under the waiver.
RETRO-DUR–Retrospective Drug Utilization Review
RFP–Request for Proposal
RHC–Rural Health Clinic
RN–Registered Nurse
RO–Regional Office (HCFA)
ROI–Return on Investment
RPC–Remote Procedure Call
RRB–Railroad Retirement Benefits
RSDI–Retirement, Survivors, Disability Insurance
RST–Resident Specific- Nursing or Therapy Staff Times
RSVP–Retired Senior Volunteer Program
RTC–Residential Treatment Center (Children with behavioral problems)
RTD–Resubmission Turn-Around Document
RTP–Return to Provider Form Used by BC/BS
RUGs–Resource Utilization Groupings
RUGs III–The most recent version of RUGs
SACWIS–Statewide Automated Child Welfare Subsystems
SAM–Employment First System
SB–Senate Bill (introduced to the Senate in the Colorado General Assembly/Legislature)
SB 5-– Medicaid Managed Care legislation
SB 138–Obsolete term for the HCBS-EBD Program
SB 38–Pilot Program that Preceded HCBS
SB 42–Social Security Legislation directing Case Mix
SBSS–State Board of Social Services
SCP–Senior Companion Program
SCSEP–Senior Community Service Employment Program
SCW I, II, III–Social Case Worker under the Merit System

SSDI—Social Security Disability Insurance

SP–Service Plan (Developmental Disability System)
Section S–Only MDS section allowed for unique state use & change
Section T–Record Nursing Therapy
Section U–Records Medication Information
SEP–Single Entry Point
SHEA–State Health Expenditure Account
SIDMOD–State Identification Module

SI–Supports Intensity Scale
SISC–SSI Status Code
SLMB–Special Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries
SLP–Service Level Plan
SMIB–Supplementary Medical Insurance Benefits
SMSA–Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area
SN–Skilled Nursing
SNA–Systems Network Architecture
SNF–Skilled Nursing Facility
SOW–Statement of Work
SPA–Single Purpose Application

SPAL–Service Plan Authorization Limit
SPSS–Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
SQL–Structured Query Language
SS-4–County Department of Social Services Form to Notify Clients of Service Status/Eligibility
SS-6–County Department of Social Services Case Plan Form
SSA–Social Security Administration
SSBG–Social Services Block Grant
SSCN–Social Security Claim Number
SSI–Supplemental Security Income
SSI-CS–Supplemental Security Income- Colorado Supplement (OAP)
SSL–Secure Socket Layer
SSN–Social Security Number
SSO–Single Sign-On
SSO–Social Security Office
SSS–Social Services Syndrome
SSTABS–Social Service Technical & Business Staffs (Association)
ST–Speech Therapist or Therapy
ST. I.D. #–State Identification Number (Medicaid #)
STAC–Specialized Transportation Association of Colorado
STARS-Services, Tracking, Analysis & Reporting System
STM–Staff Time Measurement (SNF)
SUA–State Unit on Aging
SURS–Surveillance Utilization Review Subsystem
TANF–Temporary Assistance to Needy Families
TCM-DD–Targeted Case Management-Developmentally Disabled
TCP/IP–Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TILES–A Case Mix RAI developed & discontinued by Texas
Title XIX–Social Security Act- Medicaid
Title XVIII–Social Security Act- Medicare
Title XX–Refers to State Children’s Health Insurance Plan
TP–Transaction Processing
TPL–Third Party Liability
TPR–Third Party Recovery
TPR–Third Party Resources
Transportation–Emergency Transportation
TRIGGERS–MDS data which points to specific RAPS
TTS–Title 4-E Tracking System
UAT–User Acceptance Test
UB92–Uniform Billing Form HCFA 1450
UCB–Unemployment Compensation Benefits
ULTC-100–Uniform Long Term Care (client needs assessment tool form)
Under 21 Psych.–Private Psychiatric Hospital Care for Persons under age 21
Undoc–Undocumented Immigrants
Unknown–Refers to appeal or adjustment activity which is not necessarily specific to one single claim/eligible or for a client who no longer has an active eligibility span on the recipient eligibility file in the MMIS.
UR–Utilization Review of medical providers
URL–Universal Resource Locator
USC–United States Code
USD–Unified Software Distribution
USDA–United States Department of Agriculture
VA–Veterans Administration
VISTA–Volunteers in Service to America
Vol 10–CDSS Staff Policy Manual for State Policy on Older Americans Act
Vol 7–CDSS Staff Policy Manual for Social Services
Vol 8–CDSS Staff Policy Manual for Medicaid
VR–Vocational Rehabilitation
VRS–Voice Response System
VSAM–Virtual Sequential Access Method
WAN–Wide Area Network
WC–Worker’s Compensation
WIC–Women, Infants, and Children
Wrap Around Services–Medicaid services that are not covered by HMOs, but that are covered for Medicaid clients enrolled in HMOs by referral or direct access to fee-for-service Medicaid Providers.
XML–Extensible Markup Language
Y2K–Year 2000
YTD–Year To Date

100.2 –Level of Care Assessment for HCBS Waiver Programs

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