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- Who We Are | Family Voices CO
About Us Who we are Overviw Overview of Family Voices Colorado Family Voices Colorado is a grassroots organization run by parents of children with special healthcare needs. The support you receive is from someone who understands the many challenges of having a child with special health care needs in their life. Every day we give parents the information and knowledge they need to navigate complex health care systems in order to get things like wheelchairs, oxygen, or a surgery for their children. With our help, parents are able to be the heroes their children are counting on! Parents also receive the information about other systems they should access based on their child’s diagnosis and needs. Family Voices CO works at the policy level to ensure children with special health care needs have a voice. We listen to the challenges from the family perspective, tracking trends, in order to create systems change. We monitor policy activities to ensure families receive the services they need. Colorado’s health care systems – both public and private –are difficult for families to navigate . Family Voices CO understands both the private and public health systems. They also understand how the systems can work together. Through working with Family Voices CO, parents are supported and empowered , resulting in stronger families and an increased ability to advocate effectively on behalf of their children. Families of children with special healthcare needs often access multiple systems. Consequently, they experience the system barriers more quickly. Family Voices CO collaborates with the systems working to reduce the barriers through policy work and systems change. Family Voices CO promotes improved decision-making, better outcomes and higher quality services for all. F2F Heah info Center What is a Family-to-Family Information Center? Family-to-Family Health Information Centers (F2Fs) are family-led centers funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). There is one F2F in each state, in the District of Columbia, in five U.S. territories, and there are three F2Fs serving tribal communities. Family Voices Colorado is the Family-to-Family Health Information Center for the State of Colorado. Each F2F is staffed by highly-skilled, knowledgeable family members who have first-hand experience and understanding of the challenges faced by families of Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN). These uniquely qualified staff provide critical support to families caring for CYSHCN, particularly families of children with complex needs and those from diverse communities. F2Fs also assist providers, state and federal agencies, legislators, and other stakeholders to better understand and serve CYSHCN and their families. How do Family-to-Family Health Information Centers Help? How Do F2Fs Help Families? Each F2F provides free, 1:1 assistance to families, helping them: • Find appropriate care and services • Apply for Medicaid, CHIP, or private insurance • Get referrals to providers • Address insurance denials • Identify and access community support programs • Advocate to ensure effective and cost-efficient care • Connect with parent mentors How Do F2Fs Help Providers and Systems? F2Fs also work with health care professionals, hospitals, and public agencies to help them better meet the needs of CYSHCN and their families. They most often request assistance for: • Obtaining help for a patient/family • Addressing changes to state policies and programs • Learning about family experiences • Partnering to improve services Family Voices Colorado... Provides public awareness of the challenges and barriers of children and youth with special health care needs and their families Meet the Staff Meet the Team Megan Bowser Katiah Scisum Administrator Juli Culver Director of Operations & Development Christy Blakely Senior Advisor Jamie Stefanski Family Navigator Executive Director Corinne DePersis Family Navigator Brenda Delgado Bilingual Family Navigator Kayleigh Sheble Family Navigator Maggie Kerzan Family Navigator Aubree McKinney Family Navigator Advisory Boar Family Voices Colorado Board of Directors Cordelia (Corry) Robinson Rosenberg PhD, RN Treasurer Professor Pediatrics and Psychiatry Todd Blakely President Parent Member Attorney Jim Brennan Parent Member Film Maker Lance Wheeland Legislative Aide Justin Gutierrez Parent Member VP of Home Health Agency Benny Mudiar Parent Member Professor
- Home | Family Voices CO
VOIX DE FAMILLE COLORADO Parlant au nom des enfants et des jeunes ayant des besoins spéciaux en matière de soins de santé NOTRE MISSION Faire du Colorado un meilleur endroit pour les enfants ayant des besoins spéciaux en matière de soins de santé. SUR Voix de la famille Colorado Family Voices Colorado est une organisation de base dirigée par des parents d'enfants ayant des besoins de santé spéciaux. Chaque jour, nous donnons aux parents les informations et les connaissances dont ils ont besoin pour naviguer dans des systèmes de soins de santé complexes afin d'obtenir des choses comme des fauteuils roulants, de l'oxygène ou une chirurgie pour leurs enfants. Avec notre aide, les parents peuvent être les héros sur lesquels comptent leurs enfants ! Vous voulez en savoir plus sur la façon dont Family Voices Colorado peut vous aider, vous et votre famille ? Apprendre encore plus CE QUE NOUS FAISONS Family Voices offre de nombreux services de soutien aux jeunes ayant des besoins médicaux spéciaux et à leurs familles. Lisez ci-dessous certains des services que nous offrons aux familles Voir les services La navigation Family Voices Colorado comprend à la fois les systèmes de soins de santé et d'invalidité privés et publics.Et nous reconnaissons leur complexité. Nous aidons les famillesnaviguer assurance maladie publique ou privée, soins primaires ou spécialistes médicaux, dérogations HCBS (services à domicile et communautaires), intervention précoce, services en milieu scolaire, conseils communautaires, problèmes de tutelle, transition des services de soins pédiatriques aux services de soins pour adultes ou autres systèmes connexes Apprendre encore plus Éducation et ressources Nous proposons des formations pour les familles, les professionnels et autres sur une gamme de sujets, notamment : Aide médicale 101 (HCBS) Dérogations aux services à domicile et communautaires - Enfants et adultes Appels des assurances privées et publiques Modèle de soins en maison médicale Mobilisation familiale Financement Naviguer dans les systèmes de soins Et beaucoup plus... Learn More Plaidoyer Family Voices CO écoute les familles et comprend les défis auxquels elles sont confrontées. Nous recueillons des histoires de famille à partager avec les législateurs des États et d'autres décideurs sur la manière dont les lois ou réglementations proposées sont susceptibles d'affecter les jeunes et les familles que nous servons, et nous collaborons avec d'autres organisations de défense des droits pour informer et mobiliser le public. Learn More Politique Nous collaborons régulièrement avec les ARC, le Colorado Center on Law and Policy, la Colorado Consumer Health Initiative, la Colorado Coalition for the Medically Underserved, la Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition, les Community Centered Boards, Covering Kids & Les familles et les agents de liaison des départements de la politique et du financement des soins de santé et de la santé publique et du département de la santé et de l'environnement du Colorado, pour travailler à des changements de politique visant à améliorer les systèmes et les services pour les enfants et les jeunes ayant des besoins spéciaux en matière de soins de santé. Learn More COMMENT VOUS POUVEZ AIDER Family Voices offre gratuitement des services d'information et d'orientation. Nous ne refusons jamais quelqu'un qui a besoin de notre aide. Les familles et les prestataires comptent sur nous pour être là pour eux. Nous comptons sur VOUS pour nous aider à continuer à rendre nos services accessibles à tous ceux qui en ont besoin. DONATE Contact LETS CHAT Contact Us Toll Free: 855-877-1747 Local CO: 303-877-1747 Fill out our New Client Intake Form General Inquiries First name* Last name Email* Phone Write a message Submit
- What We Do | Family Voices CO
What We Do Learn about the services we provide to families Navigation Family Voices Colorado understands both the private and public health care and disability systems from both a family experience and professional perspective. Whether you need help identifying resources or programs, moving beyond red tape through an appeal or grievance process, or accessing additional funding sources to pay for needed therapies, procedures, or equipment, we can provide the information and navigation you need to get answers to your questions. We work with families, health care providers, professionals and community systems to make sure children with special health care needs have access to the care and the support they need to live life to the fullest. Call us today if you need help navigating public or private health insurance, primary care or medical specialists, HCBS (Home and Community Based Service) Waivers, Early Intervention, school-based services, Community Centered Boards, guardianship issues, transition from pediatric to adult health care services, or other related systems. Client Intake Form Contact Us Navigato Education & Training We offer training for families, professionals and others on a range of topics, including: Medicaid 101 (HCBS) Home and Community Based Service Waivers -Children & Adults Private and Public Insurance Appeals Medical Home Model of Care Family Engagement Funding Navigating Systems of Care Training can also be customized to suit the needs of the group or organization. Call us today if your agency, medical practice, family support group, professional association, or other organization would like to schedule training. Client Intake Form Contact Us Educatio & Trainig Advocacy and Policy Family Voices Colorado speaks on behalf of children and youth with special health care needs, their families, and the professionals who work with them at the policy level. Family Voices CO listens to families and understands the challenges they experience. We track trends and identify barriers in systems, then we create systems level change. We gather family stories to share with state legislators and other decision-makers about how proposed laws or regulations are likely to affect the young people and families we serve, and we collaborate with other advocacy organizations to inform and mobilize the public. We regularly partner with the ARCs, Colorado Center on Law and Policy, Colorado Consumer Health Initiative, Colorado Coalition for the Medically Underserved, Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition, Community Centered Boards, Covering Kids & Families, and liaisons at the Departments of Health Care Policy and Financing and Public Health and Colorado Department of Health and Environment to work for policy changes that to improve systems and services for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs. Call us today if you would like to share your story or volunteer with us to make Colorado a better place for children and youth with special health care needs: 303-877-1747 Client Intake Form Contact Us Advocacy & Policy
- Life Stages Transition Guides | Family Voices CO
We grow with you Life Stage Transition Resources Background Transition Guide by Life Stage Transition Checklist PDF Transition Guide by Age Backgroud Navigating Health Care Transitions Background: A New Challenge Over the last 30 years, the transition from pediatric to adult health care providers and systems has become a pressing issue for families of young people with special health care needs. Thanks to advances in medical treatment, the survival rate for youth with special health care needs has improved tremendously, and life expectancy continues to rise. While all this is good news, it poses new challenges for the healthcare system, as well as school systems and other services. Finding adult health care providers who are experienced and willing to accept emerging youth with complex needs can be difficult, and youth are often unprepared to manage their health care and gain increased independence. Advance preparation and partnering with your healthcare providers can assist in a successful pediatric to adult health care transition. Transition Guide by Life Stage Life Skills for Emerging Adults Family Involvement School Career Planning Health & Health Coverage Life Skills for Emerging Adults Age 10-14: Order meals at restaurants independently Pay for items at the store independently Learn how to use a cell phone and carry one, if applicable Find adult mentor/role model with similar disability Talk about your dreams for the future with the people you care about and ask for their help Increase independence of Activities of Daily Living (ex: dressing, feeding, bathing, toileting, etc.) Age 15-17: Arrive on time to appointments, work, & activities Carry state ID card or driver’s license and a copy of health insurance card Schedule your own appointments Think about future living arrangements Carry a cell phone, if applicable Work on self-advocacy in meetings and appointments Seek care from adults other than parents so that you learn to interact with new people and communicate needs to others Attend a sleep-away camp to foster independence Teach teen how to handle emergency vs. non-emergency medical situations Discuss vocational training vs. post-secondary education Special Needs Trust, if applicable Age 18: Register to vote Males: Must register for draft Plan future living arrangements Carry a cell phone, if applicable Prepare your “elevator speech” about your diagnosis for providers, therapists, teachers, etc. Obtain a passport, if desired Work on self-advocacy in meetings and appointments Seek care from adults other than parents so that you learn to interact with new people and communicate needs to others Age 19-21: Inform local fire department of necessary accommodations for emergency preparedness Carry a cell phone, if applicable Bring together people you care about to plan with you and help you reach your goals (Person-Centered Planning) Practice self-advocacy in interactions with doctors and professionals Seek care from adults other than parents so that you learn to interact with new people and communicate needs to others Talk about your dreams for the future with the people you care about and ask for their help Age 22-26: Take on as many independent living responsibilities as able Maintain friendships & social life Inform local fire department of necessary accommodations for emergency preparedness Create list of necessities for emergency preparedness (medication, equipment, supplies, etc.) Carry a cell phone, if applicable Bring together people you care about to plan with you and help you reach your goals Practice self-advocacy in interactions with doctors and professionals Talk about your dreams for the future with the people you care about and ask for their help Family Involvement Age 10-14: Discuss child’s hopes & dreams Have child help with chores to teach living skills Discuss sexuality & family planning issues Open bank account for child and discuss money and budgeting Inform local fire department of necessary accommodations for emergency preparedness Develop family plan of what to do in case of emergency Set up a Special Needs Trust, if applicable Talk about end-of-life plans with family Facilitate opportunities for your child to make his or her own choices and decisions Find or create a safe place to talk about experiences with the disability (family discussions, support groups, counseling) Age 15-17: Create opportunities to test independence of youth in a safe environment Explore public transportation together or use a community resource to learn about transportation to increase independence Find or create a safe place to talk about experiences with the disability (family discussions, support groups, counseling) Assist youth in connecting with an adult mentor/role model with a similar disability Age 18: Discuss representative payee & guardianship Assist teen with living options Discuss vocational training vs. post-secondary education Inform local fire department of necessary accommodations for emergency preparedness Determine guardianship, Medical Durable Power of Attorney, or conservatorship Explore Special Needs Trust, if applicable Facilitate opportunities for your child to make his or her own choices and decisions Find or create a safe place to talk about experiences with the disability (family discussions, support groups, counseling) Assist youth in connecting with an adult mentor/role model with a similar disability Age 19-21: Plan future living arrangements Develop a long-term financial plan Discuss vocational training vs. post-secondary education Determine guardianship, Medical Durable Power of Attorney, or conservatorship Explore/set up Special Needs Trust, if applicable Support independent choices Find or create a safe place to talk about experiences with the disability (family discussions, support groups, counseling) Age 22-26: Determine guardianship, Medical Durable Power of Attorney, or conservatorship Establish Special Needs Trust, if applicable Encourage increased & ongoing independence Discuss “End of Life” planning for all family members Find or create a safe place to talk about experiences with the disability (family discussions, support groups, counseling) School Age 10-14: Incorporate transition planning into last middle school IEP because it will follow student to high school Update IEP as often as necessary, at least once per school year All IEP requests should be in writing to the school district and special educationdepartment Support student to engage in middle school and high school classes and extra-curricular activities related to their interests and strengths If assistive technology (AT) device is needed at school, make sure it is written into IEP Parents: get involved in child’s school to create partnerships and build relationships Age 15-17: At 15, incorporate first transition goal into IEP Update IEP/ transition goals as often as necessary, at least once per school year Student attends own IEP meeting to work on self-advocacy Transition goals should be individualized to student’s interests Decide on transition program with vocational training vs. graduation and higher education Support student to engage in classes and extra-curricular activities related to their interests and strengths Age 18: Update IEP/ transition goals as often as necessary, at least once per school year Attend your own IEP and work on self-advocacy All IEP requests should be in writing to the school district and special education department Transition goals should be individualized to student’s interests Can walk at graduation with high school class if graduating or if utilizing school transition services Age 19-21: Update IEP/ transition goals as often as necessary, at least once per school year Attend your own IEP and work on self-advocacy Transition goals should be individualized to student’s interests At 21, complete school transition services Begin post-secondary education, if desired Utilize 504 Plan (ADA) to receive accommodations in college and work Age 22-26: Continue in post-secondary school, if desired 504 Plan can be utilized in college to receive accommodations Stay involved with continuing education or certificate programs, if applicable to career path Career Planning Age 10-14: Start thinking about & researching possible career interests: take advantage of career fairs, job shadowing opportunities Volunteer in a variety of environments Age 15-17: Begin job shadowing Practice completing job applications Develop a résumé or video résumé Work summer job, if applicable Volunteer in a variety of environments Learn about a variety of career opportunities based on your interests and strengths Remember to think outside the box! Age 18: Continue job exploration/ job training Work summer job, if applicable Volunteer in a variety of environments Complete résumé and/or video résumé Find opportunities to connect with career interests Age 19-21: Determine vocational direction & apply to job postings Continue volunteering to learn about opportunities and to network Learn to self-advocate for accommodations in the work environment Look into work incentive programs through SSA Age 22-26: Continue work or apply for jobs matching interests & skills Volunteer, if time permits Learn to self-advocate for accommodations in the work environment Apply for jobs If not able to work, make plans for daily activities & community involvement Health/Health Coverage Age 10-14: Ask questions at doctor appointments Obtain EPSDT services from Healthy Communities, if on Medicaid Build relationships with your medical providers Create a list of contacts for doctors, therapists, equipment vendors, etc., in case of emergency Ask for care coordinator through insurance to help with services and needs Learn more about your health & health care needs Develop a portable medical summary including medications Develop a family medical history Age 15-17: Establish plan for adult medical services & obtain referrals Update list of contacts for doctors, therapists, equipment vendors, etc., in case of emergency Obtain a Letter of Medical Necessity for use with insurance, therapies, SSA, and other systems Learn more about your medical background Schedule medical appointments independently Learn to refill prescriptions independently Age 18: Switch to adult medical providers Obtain EPSDT services through age 20, if on Medicaid Apply for adult SSI in order to keep Medicaid, if applicable Update list of contacts for doctors, therapists, equipment vendors, etc., in case of emergency Have an understanding of medical background & needs Update Letter of Medical Necessity with current abilities and needs Update portable medical summary Age 19-21: Build relationships with adult medical providers EPSDT services through age 20 (dental & vision coverage ends at 18 if on Medicaid) Dental and vision care can be written into DD service plans Update list of contacts for doctors, therapists, equipment vendors, etc., in case of emergency Assume responsibility for health care needs (make appointments, fill prescriptions, manage medication) Update Letter of Medical Necessity with current abilities and needs Age 22-26: At 26 yrs old, adult is no longer eligible for parent’s health insurance (unless negotiated with private carrier) Build relationships with adult medical providers Update list of contacts for doctors, therapists, equipment vendors, etc., in case of emergency Obtain updated Letter of Medical Necessity with current abilities and needs, as needed Lif SKills forEmerging Adults Career Plannig Health and Health Coverae Transito by life School Family Involvement Transition Guide by Age Age 10-14: Awareness Age 15-17: Exploration Age 18: Preparation Age 19-21: Education/Training Age 22-26: Career Transiton by Ag Age 10-14: Awareness Start Transition! Life Skills for Emerging Adults Order meals at restaurants independently Pay for items at the store independently Learn how to use a cell phone and carry one, if applicable Find adult mentor/role model with similar disability Talk about your dreams for the future with the people you care about and ask for their help Increase independence of Activities of Daily Living (ex: dressing, feeding, bathing, toileting, etc.) Family Involvement Discuss child’s hopes & dreams Have child help with chores to teach living skills Discuss sexuality & family planning issues Open bank account for child and discuss money and budgeting Inform local fire department of necessary accommodations for emergency preparedness Develop family plan of what to do in case of emergency Set up a Special Needs Trust, if applicable Talk about end-of-life plans with family Facilitate opportunities for your child to make his or her own choices and decisions Find or create a safe place to talk about experiences with the disability (family discussions, support groups, counseling) School Incorporate transition planning into last middle school IEP because it will follow student to high school Update IEP as often as necessary, at least once per school year All IEP requests should be in writing to the school district and special education department Support student to engage in middle school and high school classes and extra-curricular activities related to their interests and strengths If assistive technology (AT) device is needed at school, make sure it is written into IEP Parents: get involved in child’s school to create partnerships and build relationships Career Planning Start thinking about & researching possible career interests: take advantage of career fairs, job shadowing opportunities Volunteer in a variety of environments Health/ Health Coverage Ask questions at doctor appointments Obtain EPSDT services from Healthy Communities, if on Medicaid Build relationships with your medical providers Create a list of contacts for doctors, therapists, equipment vendors, etc., in case of emergency Ask for care coordinator through insurance to help with services and needs Learn more about your health & health care needs Develop a portable medical summary including medications Develop a family medical history Age 15-17: Exploration Explore Interests and Talents! Life Skills for Emerging Adults Arrive on time to appointments, work, & activities Carry state ID card or driver’s license and a copy of health insurance card Schedule your own appointments Think about future living arrangements Carry a cell phone, if applicable Work on self-advocacy in meetings and appointments Seek care from adults other than parents so that you learn to interact with new people and communicate needs to others Attend a sleep-away camp to foster independence Teach teen how to handle emergency vs. non-emergency medical situations Discuss vocational training vs. post-secondary education Special Needs Trust, if applicable Family Involvement Create opportunities to test independence of youth in a safe environment Explore public transportation together or use a community resource to learn about transportation to increase independence Find or create a safe place to talk about experiences with the disability (family discussions, support groups, counseling) Assist youth in connecting with an adult mentor/role model with a similar disability School At 15, incorporate first transition goal into IEP Update IEP/ transition goals as often as necessary, at least once per school year Student attends own IEP meeting to work on self-advocacy Transition goals should be individualized to student’s interests Decide on transition program with vocational training vs. graduation and higher education Support student to engage in classes and extra-curricular activities related to their interests and strengths Career Planning Begin job shadowing Practice completing job applications Develop a résumé or video résumé Work summer job, if applicable Volunteer in a variety of environments Learn about a variety of career opportunities based on your interests and strengths Remember to think outside the box! Health/ Health Coverage Establish plan for adult medical services & obtain referrals Update list of contacts for doctors, therapists, equipment vendors, etc., in case of emergency Obtain a Letter of Medical Necessity for use with insurance, therapies, SSA, and other systems Learn more about your medical background Schedule medical appointments independently Learn to refill prescriptions independently Age 18: Preparation Welcome to Adulthood! Life Skills for Emerging Adults Register to vote Males: Must register for draft Plan future living arrangements Carry a cell phone, if applicable Prepare your “elevator speech” about your diagnosis for providers, therapists, teachers, etc. Obtain a passport, if desired Work on self-advocacy in meetings and appointments Seek care from adults other than parents so that you learn to interact with new people and communicate needs to others Family Involvement Discuss representative payee & guardianship Assist teen with living options Discuss vocational training vs. post-secondary education Inform local fire department of necessary accommodations for emergency preparedness Determine guardianship, Medical Durable Power of Attorney, or conservatorship Explore Special Needs Trust, if applicable Facilitate opportunities for your child to make his or her own choices and decisions Find or create a safe place to talk about experiences with the disability (family discussions, support groups, counseling) Assist youth in connecting with an adult mentor/role model with a similar disability School Update IEP/ transition goals as often as necessary, at least once per school year Attend your own IEP and work on self-advocacy All IEP requests should be in writing to the school district and special education department Transition goals should be individualized to student’s interests Can walk at graduation with high school class if graduating or if utilizing school transition services Career Planning Continue job exploration/ job training Work summer job, if applicable Volunteer in a variety of environments Complete résumé and/or video résumé Find opportunities to connect with career interests Health/Health Coverage Switch to adult medical providers Obtain EPSDT services through age 20, if on Medicaid Apply for adult SSI in order to keep Medicaid, if applicable Update list of contacts for doctors, therapists, equipment vendors, etc., in case of emergency Have an understanding of medical background & needs Update Letter of Medical Necessity with current abilities and needs Update portable medical summary Age 19-21: Education/Training Focus on Job Skills and Life Skills! Life Skills for Emerging Adults Inform local fire department of necessary accommodations for emergency preparedness Carry a cell phone, if applicable Bring together people you care about to plan with you and help you reach your goals (Person-Centered Planning) Practice self-advocacy in interactions with doctors and professionals Seek care from adults other than parents so that you learn to interact with new people and communicate needs to others Talk about your dreams for the future with the people you care about and ask for their help Family Involvement Plan future living arrangements Develop a long-term financial plan Discuss vocational training vs. post-secondary education Determine guardianship, Medical Durable Power of Attorney, or conservatorship Explore/set up Special Needs Trust, if applicable Support independent choices Find or create a safe place to talk about experiences with the disability (family discussions, support groups, counseling) School Update IEP/ transition goals as often as necessary, at least once per school year Attend your own IEP and work on self-advocacy Transition goals should be individualized to student’s interests At 21, complete school transition services Begin post-secondary education, if desired Utilize 504 Plan (ADA) to receive accommodations in college and work C areer Planning Determine vocational direction & apply to job postings Continue volunteering to learn about opportunities and to network Learn to self-advocate for accommodations in the work environment Look into work incentive programs through SSA Health/Health Coverage Build relationships with adult medical providers EPSDT services through age 20 (dental & vision coverage ends at 18 if on Medicaid) Dental and vision care can be written into DD service plans Update list of contacts for doctors, therapists, equipment vendors, etc., in case of emergency Assume responsibility for health care needs (make appointments, fill prescriptions, manage medication) Update Letter of Medical Necessity with current abilities and needs Age 22-26: Career Explore Life! Put Talents and Skills to Use! Life Skills for Emerging Adults Take on as many independent living responsibilities as able Maintain friendships & social life Inform local fire department of necessary accommodations for emergency preparedness Create list of necessities for emergency preparedness (medication, equipment, supplies, etc.) Carry a cell phone, if applicable Bring together people you care about to plan with you and help you reach your goals Practice self-advocacy in interactions with doctors and professionals Talk about your dreams for the future with the people you care about and ask for their help Family Involvement Determine guardianship, Medical Durable Power of Attorney, or conservatorship Establish Special Needs Trust, if applicable Encourage increased & ongoing independence Discuss “End of Life” planning for all family members Find or create a safe place to talk about experiences with the disability (family discussions, support groups, counseling) School Continue in post-secondary school, if desired 504 Plan can be utilized in college to receive accommodations Stay involved with continuing education or certificate programs, if applicable to career path Career Planning Continue work or apply for jobs matching interests & skills Volunteer, if time permits Learn to self-advocate for accommodations in the work environment Apply for jobs If not able to work, make plans for daily activities & community involvement Health/ Health Coverage At 26 yrs old, adult is no longer eligible for parent’s health insurance (unless negotiated with private carrier) Build relationships with adult medical providers Update list of contacts for doctors, therapists, equipment vendors, etc., in case of emergency Obtain updated Letter of Medical Necessity with current abilities and needs, as needed Age 10-14 Ag 19-21 Age 22-26 Age 15-17 Age 18
- Get Involved | Family Voices CO
Support our cause Learn how you can help VOLUNTEER Contact us to learn about volunteer opportunities with Family Voices Colorado DONATE We depend on our donors to be able to serve our community. Help us on our important mission SHARE YOUR STORY We would be honored to share your story with our community. Contact us if you are interested.
- Family Coalition | Family Voices CO
Family Coalition Better Together The Family Coalition is a new entity in the policy arena, representing Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN) and disabilities. The Family Coalition is made up of five grassroots organizations who focus on the rights of families and their beloved family members with disabilities. We all share a common vision and values. This coalition strives to be the “go to” for policy makers and families with children and youth with disabilities in the State of Colorado. Coloado Agencies & Resources Disabiliy spcific Org What we can do for you: We are a resource We can provide testimony on the State Level and the Federal Level We can organize studies and research, related to CYSHCN. Our policy focus is ages 0-26 If we cannot help you, we will aim you the right direction to get a resource and/or an organization that can provide help Our Vision: The voices of families and individuals with disabilities are heard, valued, and respected. Our Values: Family-led Authentic Partnership Shared Knowledge The Family Coalition strives to be the “go to” for families with Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs and disabilities, throughout the state of Colorado. Who We Are: El Grupo Vida El Grupo Vida empowers Spanish speaking families, including immigrants with disabilities and their families, with information, training, and direct advocacy to help become more self-sufficient and give that community a voice, raising awareness about their rights. Resource Center and Training Community Navigation Support Groups and Conferences Family Voices Colorado Family Voice CO works to improve health care access and equity for children and youth with special health care needs. 1:1 Systems Navigation for Families and Professionals Education and Training on Healthcare and Disability Systems Policy Work to Improve the Systems that Serve CYSHCN Parent to Parent Colorado Parent to Parent of Colorado works to connect families of individuals with disabilities to peer support. One-to-one Trained Support Parent Matching Private Online Discussion Group for Caregivers Virtual Support groups & Books Clubs Peak Parent Center As a result of PEAK’s services to families and professionals, children and adults with disabilities will live rich, active lives participating as full members of their schools and communities. Parent Training & Information Center/Parent Advising & Support Personal Networks for Transition Through Education Building Inclusive Schools & Communities for Families Show and Tell Show and Tell informs and empowers ALL families particularly BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Color) families to speak on behalf of their children who have disabilities so they can become contributing members of their community. One-to-One Parent Advising Workshops and Trainings Informative Bi-weekly Newsletter
- Careers | Family Voices CO
current openings No Current Openings We are not currently actively recruiting. If you would like to be added to our pool of potential candidates when we have an opening, please email a resume and cover letter to
- Colorado Agencies | Family Voices CO
Find more help Agencies & Resource Organizations Colorado Agencies & Resources Disability-Specific Orgs Colorado Agencies and Resources Ability Connection Colorado Contact: 303-691-9339 Matching parents one on one with each other for support. They connect families of children and adults with special needs by either phone, computer or in person. The Arc of Colorado : Contact: 800-333-7690 The Arc builds better lives for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families by improving connections to schools, work and the community. Can provide an advocate to assist families through the IEP process. Assistive Technology Partners : Contact: 303-315-1284 ATP assists persons with cognitive, sensory, and/or physical disabilities reach their highest potential at home, school, work and play through the addition of appropriate assistive technologies to their lives. Child Find / Early Intervention Colorado Contact: 888-777-4041 Colorado has a Child Find system for appropriately identifying infants and toddlers with developmental delays or disabilities, and timelines for making referrals to local early intervention programs at no cost to parents. Community-Centered Boards (CCBs) Colorado has 20 CCB organizations serving children and adults with developmental disabilities. They determine eligibility for community-based services and provide case management services. CCB’s also assist individuals with gaining access to Medicaid Waivers. Waiver programs provide additional Medicaid benefits to individuals with special needs. Colorado Center on Law and Policy (CCLP) Contact: 303-573-5669 The Colorado Center on Law and Policy (CCLP) works to promote justice, economic security, access to health care, and sound fiscal policies for the people or Colorado through advocacy, litigation, education, and research. Colorado Health Care Policy & Financing (HCPF): Contact: 303-866-2993 Provides access to cost-effective, quality health care services. The Department administers the Medicaid and Child Health Plan Plus programs as well as a variety of other programs for Colorado’s low-income families, the elderly, and persons with disabilities. Colorado Home and Community Based Service Waivers (Medicaid): Medicaid is a health care program for low income Coloradans. Applicants must meet eligibility criteria for one of the Medicaid Program categories in order to qualify for benefits. Major program categories include Aid to Families with Dependent Children/Medicaid Only, Colorado Works/TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), Baby Care/Kids Care, Aid to the Needy Disabled, Aid to the Blind, and Old Age Pension. For more information on Medicaid Waivers: Choosing an HCBS Waiver for Children Children’s Waivers Choosing an HCBS Waiver for Adults Adult Waivers Colorado Respite Coalition (CRC): Contact: 303-619-1437 CRC is community partners who explore, connect, and support community organizations and individuals interested in creating a variety of respite programs. Disability Law Colorado : Contact: 303-722-0300 Specialize in civil rights and discrimination issues. They protect the human and legal rights of people with mental and physical disabilities throughout Colorado. Easter Seals Colorado : Contact: 303-233-1666 Easter Seals is dedicated to supporting people with disabilities and their families as they live, learn, work and play in their communities. El Grupo VIDA : Contact: 303-335-9875 Provides information, referrals, and support for Spanish speaking parents. Ombudsman (Medicaid): 877-435-7123 email: Ombudsman help solve problems with your health care issues (both physical and mental health) for Medicaid Managed Care patients. They also help with health care rights and with grievances and appeals. Health Care Program for Children with Special Needs (HCP): Contact: 303-692-2370 HCP offers support for families with children with special needs and focuses on care coordination and providing specialty clinics throughout the state of Colorado. HCP services are available to children with special needs, regardless of insurance status or family income. Healthy Communities, Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing: Contact: 303-866-2267 Healthy Communities combines aspects of the Early Periodic Screening Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) outreach and administrative case management program and Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) outreach into one model that better meets the needs of clients. This outreach and case management model takes into account that many families have one child enrolled in Medicaid while another is enrolled in CHP+. The distinction between Medicaid and CHP+ benefits and services isn’t always clear. Family Health Coordinators are available statewide to help Colorado Medicaid and CHP+ families through the Healthy Communities program. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE ABOUT HEALTHY COMMUNITIES JFK Partners : Contact: 303-742-5266 JFK promotes the independence, inclusion, contribution, health and well-being of people with special needs, through consumer, community, and university partnerships. PEAK Parent Center : Colorado’s Parent Training & Info Center (PTI): Contact: 800-284-0251 Provides information about all types of disabilities, training on a variety of topics and technical assistance on your child’s IEP. Show and Tell: Contact: 303-632-6840 Show and Tell empowers low-income, culturally diverse families to be advocates for their children with disabilities to achieve success in their schools and communities. Single Entry Point (SEP) : Single Entry Point (SEP) Agencies provide case management, care planning, and make referrals to other resources for clients with the following qualifying needs: elderly, blind and disabled, mental health, persons living with AIDS, brain injury, spinal cord injury, children with a life-limiting illness, children with a physical disability. Coloado Agencies & Resources Disabiliy spcific Org Disability-Specific Organizations Ability Connection Colorado : Contact: 303-691-9339 Autism Society of Colorado : Contact: 866-733-0794 Brain Injury Association of Colorado : Contact: 800-955-2443 Colorado School for the Deaf and Blind : Contact: 719-578-2100 EMPOWER Colorado : Contact: 866-213-4631 EMPOWER offers support, education, advocacy and resources to families with children and youth who have social, emotional or mental health challenges. Epilepsy Foundation of Colorado : Contact: 888-378-9779 Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health | Colorado Chapter: Contact: 888-569-7500 Learning Disability Association of Colorado : Contact: 303-894-0992 Mile High Down Syndrome Association : Contact: 303-797-1699 NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) Colorado : Contact: 888-566-6264 National Organization for Rare Disorders : Contact: 800-999-6673 Unique (Rare Chromosome Disorder Support Group)
- Who We Are | Family Voices CO
Who we are Get to know Family Voices Colorado Overview of Family Voices Colorado Family Voices Colorado is a grassroots organization run by parents of children with special healthcare needs. The support you receive is from someone who understands the many challenges of having a child with special health care needs in their life. Every day we give parents the information and knowledge they need to navigate complex health care systems in order to get things like wheelchairs, oxygen, or a surgery for their children. With our help, parents are able to be the heroes their children are counting on! Parents also receive the information about other systems they should access based on their child’s diagnosis and needs. Family Voices CO works at the policy level to ensure children with special health care needs have a voice. We listen to the challenges from the family perspective, tracking trends, in order to create systems change. We monitor policy activities to ensure families receive the services they need. Colorado’s health care systems – both public and private –are difficult for families to navigate . Family Voices CO understands these systems. They also understand how both these systems can work together. Through working with Family Voices CO, parents are supported and empowered , resulting in stronger families and an increased ability to advocate effectively on behalf of their children. Families of children with special healthcare needs often access multiple systems. Consequently, they experience the system barriers more quickly. Family Voices CO collaborates with the systems working to reduce the barriers through policy work and systems change. Family Voices CO promotes improved decision-making, better outcomes and higher quality services for all. Family Voices Colorado... Provides public awareness of the challenges and barriers of children and youth with special health care needs and their families
- Acronyms | Family Voices CO
let us help clarify Acronyms & Common Terms 300%ers –Persons whose income is up to three times the SSI payment limit. This optional eligibility category is eligible for Medicaid by virtue of need for long term care services. A & A –Aid and Attendance (VA Benefit) A/CSA –Alcohol/Controlled Substance Abuse AAA –Area Agency on Aging AABD –Aid to the Aged, Blind, and Disabled (Federal Term) AAMR — American Association on Mental Retardation AARP –American Association of Retired Persons AAS –Aging and Adult Services AASD –Aging and Adult Services Division AB –Aid to the Blind AB-T –Aid to the Blind- Treatment ACF –Alternative Care Facility ACSES –Automated Child Support Enforcement System Acute Care & EQRO –Adult Care & External Quality Review Organization ADA –Americans with Disabilities Act ADAD –Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division ADC –Adult Day Care ADL –Activities of Daily Living ADP –Automated Data Processing ADS –Adult Day Services AFC –Adult Foster Care. This is not a Medicaid program or service; however, many AFC eligible are also Medicaid eligible. This provides residential care with supervision for client medications, etc. While these services are not as extensive as those rendered in a nursing home, they do represent an important component of a “continuum” of long term care. It is funded through a 95% General Fund and a 5% local match. AFDC-A –Aid to Families with Dependent Children- Adults AFDC-C –Aid to Families with Dependent Children- Children AFDC-FC –Aid to Families with Dependent Children- Foster Care AFDC-I –Aid to Families with Dependent Children- Incapacitated Parent AFDC-U –Aid to Families with Dependent Children- Unemployed Father AG –Attorney General AIDS –Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ALJ –Administrative Law Judge Allowed Charge –The Amount Medicare Will Consider for Payment for a Given Service or Supply AMPS –Automated Medicaid Payment System- Electronic Claims System Ancillary Services –Those Service and Supplies Provided to Patients on an As-Needed Basis AND-SSI –Aid to the Needy Disabled- SSI ANSI –American National Standards Institute AOA –Administration on Aging AP –Assistance Payments AP-700 –Financial and Medical Eligibility Reporting Form APD –Advance Planning Document APPLS –Automated Personnel Payroll Ledger APS –Adult Protective Services ASA –American Society of Aging ASC –Ambulatory Surgical Centers AT –Assistive technology Arc of Colorado —State organization that serves an advocacy group for persons with developmental disabilities for all ages AU –Administrative Unit Authorized Representative— An individual designated by the person receiving services Autism —A complex neurological disorder that appears disorders that appears during the first three years of life. BBA –Balanced Budget Amendment BC/BS –Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Colorado, Medicaid’s former Fiscal Agent BCA –Baby Care Adults BCC –Baby Care Children BC-KC –Baby Care – Kids Care Program BCR –Birthing Cost Recovery BENDEX –Beneficiary Data Exchange Beneficiary –One Who is Entitled to Receive Benefits Benefits –The Scope of Services Available to Beneficiaries BI –Brain Injury BIA –Bureau of Indian Affairs BIDS System –Colorado procurement information system BL –Black Lung BMS–Bureau of Medical Services (Obsolete- Now MS) BPR –Business Process Reengineering BUS –Benefits Utilization System CACTIS –Colorado Automated Client Tracking Information System CACCB —Colorado Association of Community Centered Boards CAFSS –Colorado Automated Food Stamp System CAHHA –Colorado Association of Home Health Agencies CAHPS –Consumer Assessment of Health Care Study CAHSA –Colorado Association of Homes and Services for the Aging CAP –Colorado Admissions Program CAPD –Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis CAPRA —Colorado Association of Private Resource Angencies CAPS –County Automated Payment System CARC –Colorado Association for Retarded Children Carve-Out –A Benefit or Service that is not Included Under an Otherwise Global Services Agreement, Such As a Medicaid HMO Contract Case Mix Demo –Pilot Effort Directed by HCFA to Test & Prove CM Using the MDS & RUG 3 as the Case Mix Reimbursement System for Medicare SNF Patients. KS, MS, ME, TX, NY, SD are the Participating States Case Management—Services provided by CCBs to assist in eligibility determination, IP development and the coordination of services. CAT Scans –Computerized Axial Tomography CBHP –Children’s Basic Health Plan CBLTC –Community Based Long Term Care CBMS –Colorado Benefits Management System CBP –Common Business Proces CBT –Computer-Based Training CCB –Community Centered Board (for DD) or Change Control Board CCHN –Colorado Community Health Network (Assoc. of FQHCs) CCI –Colorado Counties, Inc. CCOA –Colorado Commission on Aging CCPD –Continuous Cycling Peritoneal Dialysis CCR –Code of Colorado Regulations CCSO –Colorado Congress of Senior Organization CDAS –Consumer Direct Attendant Support CDBG –Community Development of Social Services CDE —Colorado Department of Education CDF –Colorado Drug Formulary CDHCPF –Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing CDHS –Colorado Department of Human Services CDOLE –Colorado Department of Labor and Employment CDOR –Colorado Department of Revenue CDPHE –Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment CDSS –Colorado Department of Social Services or County Department of Social Services or County Department of Human Services CEDARS –Colorado Eligibility Disbursement and Reporting System CES —Children’s Extensive Support (Medicaid Waiver) CFMC –Colorado Foundation for Medical Care- HCPF ‘s PRO Contractor CFR –Code of Federal Regulations CGS –Colorado Gerontological Society CHAMPUS –Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services CHATS –Child Care Automated Tracking System CHFA –Colorado Housing Finance Authority Children’s HCBS –HCBS for children with physical disabilities CHINS –Children in Need of Supervision CHP+ –Children’s Health Plan Plus CHRS —Children’s Health and Rehabilitation Services CICP –Colorado Indigent Care Program CIDS 2000 –Client Information Data Subsystem for the 21st Century CIN –Colorado Information Network CLASS I –Refers to general nursing facilities CLASS II/IV –Refers to nursing facilities for physically and developmentally disabled individuals CLASS IV Nursing Homes –Regional Centers for persons with developmental disabilities (operated by CDHS) CLEAR –Colorado List of Emergency Assistance Recipients CM –Case Manager CMA –Case Management Agency CMER –Colorado Medicaid Eligibility Response CMI –Comparative Measure Index CMS — Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services CNS –County Nursing Service CO/EBTS –Colorado Electronics Benefits Transfer Service COBRA –Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 COFRS –Colorado Financial Reporting System COIN –Client Oriented Information System (CDHS-HCPF eligibility database) Co-Insurance –The amount of the allowed charge the beneficiary is responsible for paying on assigned Medicare beneficiaries COLA –Cost of Living Adjustment COLO R/X –Colorado Drug Formulary Colorado Works –Colorado’s Welfare Reform Program (see: TANF) Comprehensive Services – a program that provides 24-hour supervision and other supports, training and habilitation based on an Individual Plan Consultec –Medicaid, CBHP, CICP, etc., fiscal agent beginning December 1st, 1998 CP —Cerebral Palsy CPAS –Claims Processing Assessment System CPT-6 –Current Procedural Terminology (Physician Reimbursement Guide) CQC –County Quality Control CRCP –Central Registry for Child Protection CRD –Chronic Renal Disease CRLS –Colorado Rural Legal Services CRS — Colorado Revised Statute regarding care and treatment of persons with developmental disabilities. CRSP –Colorado Refugee Service Programs CS –Federal SSI-Colorado Supplement CSBG –Community Services Block Grant CSE –Child Support Enforcement CSL –Colorado Senior Lobby CSPR –Control System for Proposed Rules (State Regulations) CSR --Continued Stay Review CSU –Child Support Unit CTRANS –County Transportation Refers to Non-Emergency or Non-Wheel Chair Transportation Services Customary Charge –The most common charge by a provider for a particular service to the majority of patients CW –Child Welfare CWEST –Child Welfare Eligibility and Services Tracking System CW-FC –Child Welfare – Foster Care CWS –Division of Child Welfare Services CY –Calendar Year CYF –Children, Youth, and Families Day Program– Part of the home and community based services for persons with developmental disabilities. This is the day program part of the waiver. DC –Day Care DD –Developmentally Disabled DDDS — Division of Developmental Disabilities Services DEFRA –Deficit Reduction Act DHMC –Denver Health Medical Center DHS –Colorado Department of Human Services DIDD– Division for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities DIH –Department of Indian Health DLE –Colorado Department of Labor & Employment DMA –Division of Medical Assistance (obsolete now AAS) DME/MED EQUIP. –Durable Medical Equipment and Supplies DOH –Division of Housing DORA –Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies DPHE –Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment DRG –Diagnosis Related Group DSH –Disproportionate Share Hospital DSS –Decision Support System DVR –Division of Vocations Rehabilitation DYC –Division of Youth Corrections EA –Emergency Assistance EBD –Elderly, Blind, and Disabled EBT/EFT –Electronic Benefit Funds Transfer EGHP –Employer Group Health Plan EI –Early Intervention EID –Employment Information Data EIS/DSS –Executive Information System/Decision Support System EJB –Enterprise Java Beans Eligible –This refers to one full time equivalent client for a defined period of time. Every person who is issued a MAC Is called an “eligible.” It does not refer to the number of clients who actually use a medical service. When a MAC is issued, the computer system assigns a prescribed span of time for which the person is eligible. If eligibility is not renewed at the end of the span, eligibility lapses. EMC –Electronic Media Claim EMS –Eligibility Management Systems EOMB –Explanation of Medicare Benefits EPM –Enterprise Project Manager EPSDT –Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (Preventive Health Care Program for Medicaid Clients Up to age 21) EQRO –External Quality Review Organization ERS –OYS Education Records System ESC –Employment Status Code EVV –Electronic Verification System F PLAN– Family Planning refers to services which are paid through the family planning clinics for which an annual capitation is paid for all family planning services eligible for one year FA –Fiscal Agent (Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Colorado)- Medicaid’s Fiscal Intermediary; operates the provider claim system and MMIS database FAMIS –Family Assistance Management Information Systems FC –Foster Care Children FCS-100 –Foster Care and Subsidized Adoption and Medicaid Eligibility Tracking FDA –Food and Drug Administration FDDI –Fiber Distributed Data Interface FFP –Federal Financial Participation FFS –Fee for Service (non-capitated health care payment system) FFY –Federal Fiscal Year FGP –Foster Grandparent Program FI –Fiscal Intermediary (Medicare) FIPS PUB –Federal Information Processing Standard Publication Fiscal Intermediary –An insurance company which manages medicare claims and provides audit-reimbursement services for HCFA to assure providers utilize program benefits appropriately FLOOR –Medicare statute for the minimum amount of time a claim must be held before payment/also minimum payment, etc. FNS –Food and Nutrition Services FPL –Federal Poverty Limit FQHC/Rural Clinic –Federally Qualified Health Clinic (or center )- health service facility for low income persons in a medically under served area FR –Federal Register (Publication of Federal Regulations) FRV –Fair Rental Value FS –Food Stamps FSP –Family Service Plan FSSP –Family Support Services Program FSJS –Food Stamp Job Search System FSR–Feasibility Study Report FTE –Full Time Equivalent FY –Fiscal Year (state) GA –General Assistance GB –Giga Bytes GGCC –General Government Computer Center GJTO –Governor’s Job Training Office GSS –(Colorado Department of) General Support Services GUI –Graphic User Interface HB –House Bill (introduced to the Colorado House in the General Assembly/Legislature) HB 97-1304, HB 97-1325 – Authorizing legislation for the Children’s Basic Health Plan (CBHP) HCA –Home Care Allowance HCBS –Home and Community Based Services HCBS-BI –HCBS (persons with brain injury) HCBS-CES –HCBS (Children’s Extensive Support) HCBS-CM –Home and Community Based Services for the Elderly, Blind, and Disabled Case Management HCBS-CMW –HCBS (Children’s Medical Waiver) HCBS-CS –Home and Community Based Services for the Elderly, Blind, and Disabled Client Services HCBS-DD–HCBS (Persons with Developmental Disabilities) HCBS-EBD–HCBS (Elderly, Blind, and Disabled) HCBS-MI–HCBS (Mentally Ill) HCBS-PLWA–HCBS (People Living with AIDS) HCBS-SLS–HCBS (Supported Living for persons with developmental disabilities) HCFA–Federal Health Care Financing Administration HCPCS–HCFA Common Procedure Coding System (Outpatient) HCPF (Medicaid)–Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing Health Insurance Buy-In–Premium and coinsurance/deductible payments for private health insurance policies for medicaid clients when it can be shown to be cost effective HEDIS–Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set HEWI–Health, Environment, Welfare & Institutions HH–Home Health Care HH#–County Household # HHA–Home Health Aide or Home Health Agency HHS–Health and Human Services Federal agency HIBI–Health Insurance Buy-In Program HIM–Health Insurance Manual HIMS–Health Information Management System HIS–Indian Health Services HM–Home Maker HMO–Health Maintenance Organization Home Care Allowance –This is not a Medicaid program or service; however, most Home Care Allowance eligible are also Medicaid eligible. Services are for persons residing in their own homes and include personal care and supportive services. While these services are not medical in nature, they do represent an important component of a “continuum” of long term care. It is funded through 95% General Fund and 5% Local Match Home Mod--Home Modification HOSPICE–Hospice HRC–Human Resources Committee HSP–Hospital Specific Portion HTML–Hyper Text Markup Language HTTP–Hyper Text Transfer Protocol HUD–Housing and Urban Development HW–Hardware IADL–Independent Activity of Daily Living IAPD–Implementation Advance Planning Document ICD-9-CM–International Classification of Diseases, version 9, Clinical Modification ICF–Intermediate Care Facility ICF-IDD–Intermediate Care Facility for the Intellectually and Developmentally Disabled ICN–Internal Control Number IEVS–Income Eligibility Verification System IFF–Intrastate Funding (Allocation) Formula for QAA Funds IFSP(0-3)–Individualized Family Service Plan IM–Income Maintenance IMAP–Information Management Annual Plan IMC–Information Management Commission Inpatient–Inpatient Hospital Care Intermediary (F.I.)–An independent insurance company contracted by HCFA to administer payments for Medicare IP–Individualized Plan IPV–Intentional Program Violation IRFP–Implementation Request for Proposal ISP–Internet Service Provider IT–Information Technology ITS–Information Technology Services IV-A–Title IV-A, Social Security Act Federal AFDC regulations IV-D–Title IV-D, Social Security Act Federal Child Support Enforcement Program regulations IV-E–Title IV-E, Social Security Act, Generally refers to children eligible for TANF payments but the child is in foster care IVES–Income Eligibility Verification System JAD–Joint Application Development JAVA–A programming language JBC--Joint Budget Committee JDBC–Java Database Connectivity JHAC–Joint Commission of the Accreditation of Hospitals JOBS–Job Opportunity Basic Skills (Federal employment program) JTPA–Jobs Training Partnership Act Lab/X-ray–Laboratory and Radiology Services LAC–Lifetime Authorization Cards LAN–Local Area Network LEAP–Low-income Energy Assistance Program LGHP–Large Group Health Plan LOC–Level of Care or Line of Code LOP–Local Operational Plan LOS–Length of Stay LPN–Licensed Practical Nurse LSC–Legal Services Corporation LSD–Legal Services Developer LTC–Long Term Care LTHH–Long Term Home Health LTC-101–Long Term Care Assessment Form LTC-102–Monthly HCBS Non-Diversion/Termination Report Form LTC-103–HCBS Case Plan Form LTC-104–HCBS Case Plan Revision Form LTC-105–HCBS Prior Approval and Cost Containment Form LTC-106A–Client Payment Form for HCBS- 300% Non ACF Clients LTC-106B–Client Payment Form for HCBS- All ACF Clients LTC-107–HCBS Notice of Service Status/Eligibility Form LTC-108–HCBS Statement of Services (Claim Form) LTC-109–HCBS Form for Application of Individual Providers LTC-110 –HCBS Form for Monthly Listing of New Individual Providers, Re-certifications, De-certification LTC-111–HCBS Complaint Information Form LTCO–Long Term Care Ombudsman LVN–Licensed Vocational Nurse MA–Medical Assistance MAC–(Mutually exclusive meanings depending upon context): · Medical Authorization Card (Client’s Medicaid Card) · Medical Assistance Advisory Council · Maximum Allowable Cost MANE—Mistreatment, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation MAPI–Messaging Application Program Interface MB–Mega Bytes – a measure of computer memory or file size MBE/WBE–Minority-owned Business Enterprise/Woman-owned Business Enterprise MC–Medicaid MCO–Managed Care Organization MCPI–Medical Consumer Price Index MCR or M18–Medicare MDS 2.0–Minimum Data Set for resident assessment MDS Automation Demonstration–Pilot effort directed by HCFA to test & prove automated MDS submission by nursing facilities MDS+–The NF Demonstration version of the MDS, Main, Mississippi & South Dakota us 12/1/90 b version. It meets the federally mandated requirements for primary resident care screening & assessment. Medicare–That portion of the Social Security Act which provides health care benefits to citizens over age 65 or under age 65 who are permanently disabled or suffering from chronic renal failure Medicare Part A–That part of medicare law providing for in-patient hospitalization, SNF care, NH benefits, & home health services to senior citizens Medicare Part B–A supplementary program to Part A providing for physicians’ services, outpatient hospital services, & other supplies. Waivers were granted in 1996 to enable use of RUGs 3 for routine costs. Medicare/TPL–Medicare/Third Party Liability Mental Health –This refers to the mental health care provided through the community MHASA–Mental Health Assessment & Services Agency MI–Medically Indigent MK or M19–Medicaid MMIS–Medicaid Management Information System MMQ–A Case Mix RAI developed by Hill haven & used by MA MOE–Maintenance of Effort – This is a federal mandate requiring states (and, where applicable counties) to spend at least 80% of the funding amounts expended in base year 1993. If the state pays 80% of the base year expenditures, then even if welfare rolls escalate in future years, the federal government will continue to supply its share of funds for the higher costs. This is intended to assure that states expend a proper amount of state funds relative to federal funds. MOU–Memorandum of Understanding MOW–Meals on Wheels MR–Mentally Retarded MRI–Magnetic Resonance Imaging MS–Medical Services MSA--Metro Statistical Area MSP–Medicare Secondary Payer MSR–Monthly Status Report MSW–Master’s of Social Work or Medical Social Work MTBD–Mean Time Between Defects MTBF–Mean Time Between Failures MTS–Medicare Transaction System MTTR–Mean Time To Restore MVS–IBM Mainframe Operating System MVS–Multiple Virtual Storage NAAAA–National Association of Area Agencies on Aging NASUA–National Association of State Units on Aging NASW–National Association of Social Workers NCANDS–National Child Abuse and Neglect Data Systems NCOA–National Council on Aging NCQA–National Commission on Quality Assurance NCSC–National Council of Senior Citizens ND–Non-Diversion NDS–Net ware Directory Services NF–Nursing Facility NFT--Nursing Home Transition Program NH–Nursing Home NOA–Notice Of Action NON-PPS–Non-Prospective Payment System NPE–Nutrition Program for the Elderly NRST–Non-Resident Specific (Nursing or Therapy Staff Times) NRTA–National Retired Teachers Association NT Windows–Windows New Technology Operating System NTS–Nonresident Tracking System OAA–Older Americans Act OAP/A–Old Age Pension/65 years or older OAP/B–Old Age Pension/60 to 64 years OAP/SO–Old Age Pension- State Only health and medical benefits OASDI–Old Age Survivors Disability Insurance OAVP–Older American Volunteer Programs OBRA–Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act OCA–Older Coloradans Act OCYF–Office of Children, Youth, and Families ODBC–Open Database Connectivity OIB–Older Individuals who are Blind Program OIG–Office of Inspector General OIT–Office of Information Technology OLTC–Options for Long Term Care OLTP–Online Transaction Processing OMB–Office of Management and Budget OP–Outpatient Option/Mandate–Certain Medicaid services are mandated by federal law as a cost of participating in the federal Medicaid program and certain others are optional for the states. Option/Mandate–Certain Medicaid services are mandated by federal law as a cost of participating in the federal Medicaid program and certain others are optional for the state ORB–Object Request Broker ORD–Office of Research and Demonstrations OSPB–Office of State Planning and Budget (Governor’s Office) OT/PT/ST–Occupational Therapy/Physical Therapy/ Speech Therapy OTC –Over the Counter Drugs OUT–Outcome Tracking Unit Outpatient–Outpatient Hospital Services includes all hospital-based outpatient care ranging from emergency room to hospital based care Over 65–Inpatient Psychiatric Hospital Care for Persons over age 65. State owned and operated hospital care. OYS–Office of Youth Services PA–Public Assistance PA-1--Program Area One- Adult Self Sufficiency, Social Services Block Grant, Social Security Act PA-2--Program Area 2- Adult Protective Services, Social Services Block Grant, Social Security Act PAC–Political Action Committee, also Policy Advisory Committee to CDSS PACE–Programs of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly PAPD–Planning Advance Planning Document PAR–Prior Authorization Review PASA–Program Approved Service Agency PASARR–Pre Admission Screening and Annual Resident Reviews PC–Personal Care PCA–Personal Care Alternative PCBH–Personal Care Boarding Home PCD–Project Control Document PCP/PCPP–Primary Care Physician/Primary Care Physician Program PDCS–Prescription Drug Card System PDN–Private Duty Nursing PE–Presumptive Eligibility PERA–Public Employees’ Retirement Association PETI–Post Eligibility Treatment of Income PHN–Public Health Nurse PHP–Prepaid Health Plan Physician–Physician’s services are those ranging from family practice to specialty care. PI–Program Integrity PIN–Personal Identification Number PLWA–People Living With AIDS PMIP–Professional Medical Information Page PMR–Planning and Management Region PM–Program Manager PN–Personal Needs POC–Plan of Care POPs–Points of Presence POS–Point of Service- child based HMO or Point of Sale PPD–Per Patient Day PPHP–Pre Paid Health Plan PPO–Preferred Provider Organization PPS–Prospective Payment System PPV–Pneumococcal Pneumonia Vaccine Prescription Drug–Includes payment for all drugs provided through Medicaid including those dispensed in nursing home, but excluding those which are dispensed in the inpatient hospital setting PRO–Peer Review Organization PROC–Procedure PRO-DUR–Prospective Drug Utilization Review PSA–Planning and Service Area PSRO–Professional Standards Review Organization QA–Quality Assurance QC/QA/ME–Quality Control/Quality Assurance/Management Evaluation QDWI–Qualified Disabled & Working Individuals QMB–Qualified Medicare Beneficiary R/R/R–Re-determination/Re-certification/Reassessment RA–Remittance Advice RAD–Rapid Application Development RAE–Regional Accountable Entity RAI–Resident Assessment Instrument RAPs–Resident Assessment Protocols RAS–Remote Access Services RC–Regional Center RCCO–Regional Care Collaborative Organization RDBMS–Relational Database Management System Rebate- Prescription Drugs –Medicaid prescription drug optional benefit. In an effort to offset the additional costs related to the items above, manufacturers rebate Medicaid drug expenses for certain items. The rebates are not accounted for in MMIS data and are handled manually through accounting transactions. Residential Program–Part of the Home and Community Based Services for the Developmentally Disabled, is the residential care provided for under the waiver. RETRO-DUR–Retrospective Drug Utilization Review RFP–Request for Proposal RHC–Rural Health Clinic RN–Registered Nurse RO–Regional Office (HCFA) ROI–Return on Investment RPC–Remote Procedure Call RRB–Railroad Retirement Benefits RSDI–Retirement, Survivors, Disability Insurance RST–Resident Specific- Nursing or Therapy Staff Times RSVP–Retired Senior Volunteer Program RTC–Residential Treatment Center (Children with behavioral problems) RTD–Resubmission Turn-Around Document RTP–Return to Provider Form Used by BC/BS RUGs–Resource Utilization Groupings RUGs III–The most recent version of RUGs SACWIS–Statewide Automated Child Welfare Subsystems SAM–Employment First System SB–Senate Bill (introduced to the Senate in the Colorado General Assembly/Legislature) SB 5-– Medicaid Managed Care legislation SB 138–Obsolete term for the HCBS-EBD Program SB 38–Pilot Program that Preceded HCBS SB 42–Social Security Legislation directing Case Mix SBSS–State Board of Social Services SCP–Senior Companion Program SCSEP–Senior Community Service Employment Program SCW I, II, III–Social Case Worker under the Merit System SSDI—Social Security Disability Insurance SP–Service Plan (Developmental Disability System) Section S–Only MDS section allowed for unique state use & change Section T–Record Nursing Therapy Section U–Records Medication Information SEP–Single Entry Point SHEA–State Health Expenditure Account SIDMOD–State Identification Module SI–Supports Intensity Scale SISC–SSI Status Code SLMB–Special Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries SLP–Service Level Plan SMIB–Supplementary Medical Insurance Benefits SMSA–Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area SN–Skilled Nursing SNA–Systems Network Architecture SNF–Skilled Nursing Facility SOW–Statement of Work SPA–Single Purpose Application SPAL–Service Plan Authorization Limit SPSS–Statistical Package for the Social Sciences SQL–Structured Query Language SS-4–County Department of Social Services Form to Notify Clients of Service Status/Eligibility SS-6–County Department of Social Services Case Plan Form SSA–Social Security Administration SSBG–Social Services Block Grant SSCN–Social Security Claim Number SSI–Supplemental Security Income SSI-CS–Supplemental Security Income- Colorado Supplement (OAP) SSL–Secure Socket Layer SSN–Social Security Number SSO–Single Sign-On SSO–Social Security Office SSS–Social Services Syndrome SSTABS–Social Service Technical & Business Staffs (Association) ST–Speech Therapist or Therapy ST. I.D. #–State Identification Number (Medicaid #) STAC–Specialized Transportation Association of Colorado STARS-Services, Tracking, Analysis & Reporting System STM–Staff Time Measurement (SNF) SUA–State Unit on Aging SURS–Surveillance Utilization Review Subsystem SW–Software TANF–Temporary Assistance to Needy Families TCM-DD–Targeted Case Management-Developmentally Disabled TCP/IP–Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol TILES–A Case Mix RAI developed & discontinued by Texas Title XIX–Social Security Act- Medicaid Title XVIII–Social Security Act- Medicare Title XX–Refers to State Children’s Health Insurance Plan TP–Transaction Processing TPL–Third Party Liability TPR–Third Party Recovery TPR–Third Party Resources Transportation–Emergency Transportation TRIGGERS–MDS data which points to specific RAPS TTS–Title 4-E Tracking System UAT–User Acceptance Test UB92–Uniform Billing Form HCFA 1450 UCB–Unemployment Compensation Benefits ULTC-100–Uniform Long Term Care (client needs assessment tool form) Under 21 Psych.–Private Psychiatric Hospital Care for Persons under age 21 Undoc–Undocumented Immigrants Unknown–Refers to appeal or adjustment activity which is not necessarily specific to one single claim/eligible or for a client who no longer has an active eligibility span on the recipient eligibility file in the MMIS. UR–Utilization Review of medical providers URL–Universal Resource Locator USC–United States Code USD–Unified Software Distribution USDA–United States Department of Agriculture VA–Veterans Administration VISTA–Volunteers in Service to America Vol 10–CDSS Staff Policy Manual for State Policy on Older Americans Act Vol 7–CDSS Staff Policy Manual for Social Services Vol 8–CDSS Staff Policy Manual for Medicaid VR–Vocational Rehabilitation VRS –Voice Response System VSAM –Virtual Sequential Access Method WAN –Wide Area Network WC –Worker’s Compensation WIC –Women, Infants, and Children Wrap Around Service s–Medicaid services that are not covered by HMOs, but that are covered for Medicaid clients enrolled in HMOs by referral or direct access to fee-for-service Medicaid Providers. XML –Extensible Markup Language Y2K –Year 2000 YTD –Year To Date 100.2 –Level of Care Assessment for HCBS Waiver Programs
- Additional Resources | Family Voices CO
A few extras Additional Resources Connect for Health Colorado Assistance Family Voices is an official Assistance Site for families and individuals applying for coverage through the marketplace (also called the exchange), specializing in assisting families of children and youth with special health care needs. Please visit to learn more about the tools and options available there before calling us for assistance. Si Ud. habla español, aquí puede encontrar información sobre el sitio en su idioma: C4HCO en español . Entendemos que el sitio entero debería ser traducido al español el 1 de octubre. The Colorado Alliance for Health Equity and Practice (CAHEP) has translated two informational flyers about Connect for Health Colorado into several languages to better serve the diverse population of Colorado. You can access CAHEP’s assistance site here. English: Connect for Health CO Basic Info-English Colorado Medicaid & Connect for Health CO Arabic: FactSheet-CAHEP-Arabic Flyer-Medicaid-CAHEP-Arabic Questionaire-CAHEP-Arabic Bhutanese: C4HCo-Bhutanese-Facts-v3 C4HCo-Butanese-CAHEP-Comparison-v3 C4HCo-Bhutanese-CAHEP-SurveyForm-v3 Chinese: C4HCoFacts-Chinese-v2 C4HCo-ComparisonFlyer-Chinese-v2 French: Factsheet-French-CAHEP-v2 Medicaid-French-CAHEP-v2 Korean: Factsheet-Korean Flyer-2-Korean (Hyun Moon)-Final
- Contact | Family Voices CO
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