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Medicaid Buy-in

Medicaid Buy-In for Children with Disabilities


What is the Children’s Medicaid Buy-In?

The Health First Colorado Buy-In Program for Children with Disabilities allows families who make too much to qualify for Health First Colorado (Colorado’s Medicaid Program)and Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) to “buy into” Health First Colorado coverage for their child with a disability by paying a monthly premium based on the family’s income.


Who Qualifies?

  • Children age 19 and under, with a qualifying disability per the Social Security Administration (SSA)

  • A determination of disability by the SSA is accepted as proof of disability

  • Children not certified through the SSA can still be determined disabled by the State by completing the Health First Colorado Disability application

  • Family income must be below 300% of Federal Poverty Level (FPL), after income disregards are calculated


The Children’s Buy-In may be an option for:

Families of children with disabilities who are over income or resources for other Medicaid programs or CHP+; children on a waitlist for a children’s waiver (other than the C-HCBS waiver; contact us to learn more about this); children who do not qualify for waiver services; children who do not have health insurance or who need coverage as a wrap-around to other insurance.



Learn More:

Read the full overview and Frequently Asked Questions from the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF).

Visit HCPF’s page about the Children’s Buy-In for all the details.



Download the Medicaid Application for Medical Assistance and the Medicaid Disability Application (both are required).


Apply online through the Program Eligibility and Application Kit (PEAK). Note that you will also need to complete and submit the disability application, linked above, on paper rather than in premium chart

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